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A 'Flow' is a sequence of nodes that are trained and executed together to form a more complex algorithm. Input data is sent to the first node and is successively processed by the subsequent nodes along the sequence.
Using a flow as opposed to handling manually a set of nodes has a clear advantage: The general flow implementation automatizes the training (including supervised training and multiple training phases), execution, and inverse execution (if defined) of the whole sequence.
Crash recovery is optionally available: in case of failure the current state of the flow is saved for later inspection. A subclass of the basic flow class ('CheckpointFlow') allows user-supplied checkpoint functions to be executed at the end of each phase, for example to save the internal structures of a node for later analysis. Flow objects are Python containers. Most of the builtin 'list' methods are available. A 'Flow' can be saved or copied using the corresponding 'save' and 'copy' methods.
node |
Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
Keyword arguments: flow -- a list of Nodes crash_recovery -- set (or not) Crash Recovery Mode (save node in case a failure) verbose -- if True, print some basic progress information
Raise ValueError when both dimensions are set and different. |
Check the dimension consistency of a list of nodes. |
Return arguments in addition to self and x for node.train. Argumentes that have a default value are ignored. |
Hook method that is called before stop_training is called. |
Return the data iterables after some checks and sanitizing. Note that this method does not distinguish between iterables and iterators, so this must be taken care of later. |
Train a single node in the flow. nodenr -- index of the node in the flow |
Return a deep copy of the flow. The protocol parameter should not be used. |
Process the data through all nodes in the flow. 'iterable' is an iterable or iterator (note that a list is also an iterable), which returns data arrays that are used as input to the flow. Alternatively, one can specify one data array as input. If 'nodenr' is specified, the flow is executed only up to node nr. 'nodenr'. This is equivalent to 'flow[:nodenr+1](iterable)'. |
Process the data through all nodes in the flow backwards (starting from the last node up to the first node) by calling the inverse function of each node. Of course, all nodes in the flow must be invertible. 'iterable' is an iterable or iterator (note that a list is also an iterable), which returns data arrays that are used as input to the flow. Alternatively, one can specify one data array as input. Note that this is _not_ equivalent to 'flow[::-1](iterable)', which also executes the flow backwards but calls the 'execute' function of each node. |
Save a pickled serialization of the flow to 'filename'. If 'filename' is None, return a string. Note: the pickled Flow is not guaranteed to be upward or backward compatible. |
Set crash recovery capabilities. When a node raises an Exception during training, execution, or inverse execution that the flow is unable to handle, a FlowExceptionCR is raised. If crash recovery is set, a crash dump of the flow instance is saved for later inspection. The original exception can be found as the 'parent_exception' attribute of the FlowExceptionCR instance.
Train all trainable nodes in the flow. 'data_iterables' is a list of iterables, one for each node in the flow. The iterators returned by the iterables must return data arrays that are then used for the node training (so the data arrays are the 'x' for the nodes). Note that the data arrays are processed by the nodes which are in front of the node that gets trained, so the data dimension must match the input dimension of the first node. If a node has only a single training phase then instead of an iterable you can alternatively provide an iterator (including generator-type iterators). For nodes with multiple training phases this is not possible, since the iterator cannot be restarted after the first iteration. For more information on iterators and iterables see http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#iterator-types . In the special case that 'data_iterables' is one single array, it is used as the data array 'x' for all nodes and training phases. Instead of a data array 'x' the iterators can also return a list or tuple, where the first entry is 'x' and the following are args for the training of the node (e.g. for supervised training). |
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