Package mdp :: Package nodes :: Class LocallyLinearEmbeddingScikitsLearnNode
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Class LocallyLinearEmbeddingScikitsLearnNode

Locally Linear Embedding

This node has been automatically generated by wrapping the ``sklearn.manifold.locally_linear.LocallyLinearEmbedding`` class
from the ``sklearn`` library.  The wrapped instance can be accessed
through the ``scikits_alg`` attribute.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <locally_linear_embedding>`.


n_neighbors : integer
    number of neighbors to consider for each point.

n_components : integer
    number of coordinates for the manifold

reg : float
    regularization constant, multiplies the trace of the local covariance
    matrix of the distances.

eigen_solver : string, {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'}
    auto : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data

    arpack : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode.
                For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix,
                or general linear operator.
                Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems.  It is
                best to try several random seeds in order to check results.

    dense  : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue
                decomposition.  For this method, M must be an array
                or matrix type.  This method should be avoided for
                large problems.

tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for 'arpack' method
    Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'.

max_iter : integer
    maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver.
    Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'.

method : string ('standard', 'hessian', 'modified' or 'ltsa')
    standard : use the standard locally linear embedding algorithm.  see
               reference [1]
    hessian  : use the Hessian eigenmap method. This method requires
               ``n_neighbors > n_components * (1 + (n_components + 1) / 2``
               see reference [2]
    modified : use the modified locally linear embedding algorithm.
               see reference [3]
    ltsa     : use local tangent space alignment algorithm
               see reference [4]

hessian_tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for Hessian eigenmapping method.
    Only used if ``method == 'hessian'``

modified_tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for modified LLE method.
    Only used if ``method == 'modified'``

neighbors_algorithm : string ['auto'|'brute'|'kd_tree'|'ball_tree']
    algorithm to use for nearest neighbors search,
    passed to neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance

random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional
    The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack
    iterations.  Defaults to numpy.random.


``embedding_vectors_`` : array-like, shape [n_components, n_samples]
    Stores the embedding vectors

``reconstruction_error_`` : float
    Reconstruction error associated with `embedding_vectors_`

``nbrs_`` : NearestNeighbors object
    Stores nearest neighbors instance, including BallTree or KDtree
    if applicable.


.. [1] `Roweis, S. & Saul, L. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
    by locally linear embedding.  Science 290:2323 (2000).`
.. [2] `Donoho, D. & Grimes, C. Hessian eigenmaps: Locally
    linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  100:5591 (2003).`
.. [3] `Zhang, Z. & Wang, J. MLLE: Modified Locally Linear
    Embedding Using Multiple Weights.`
.. [4] `Zhang, Z. & Zha, H. Principal manifolds and nonlinear
    dimensionality reduction via tangent space alignment.
    Journal of Shanghai Univ.  8:406 (2004)`

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, **kwargs)
Locally Linear Embedding
_execute(self, x)
Return the list of dtypes supported by this node. The types can be specified in any format allowed by numpy.dtype.
_stop_training(self, **kwargs)
Concatenate the collected data in a single array.
execute(self, x)
Transform new points into embedding space.
stop_training(self, **kwargs)
Compute the embedding vectors for data X

Inherited from unreachable.newobject: __long__, __native__, __nonzero__, __unicode__, next

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Inherited from Cumulator
_train(self, *args)
Collect all input data in a list.
train(self, *args)
Collect all input data in a list.
    Inherited from Node
__add__(self, other)
__call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs)
Calling an instance of Node is equivalent to calling its execute method.
_check_input(self, x)
_check_output(self, y)
_check_train_args(self, x, *args, **kwargs)
_inverse(self, x)
_pre_execution_checks(self, x)
This method contains all pre-execution checks.
_pre_inversion_checks(self, y)
This method contains all pre-inversion checks.
_refcast(self, x)
Helper function to cast arrays to the internal dtype.
_set_dtype(self, t)
_set_input_dim(self, n)
_set_output_dim(self, n)
copy(self, protocol=None)
Return a deep copy of the node.
Return the index of the current training phase.
Return dtype.
Return input dimensions.
Return output dimensions.
Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.
Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of dtype objects.
Return True if the node has multiple training phases.
inverse(self, y, *args, **kwargs)
Invert y.
Return True if the node is in the training phase, False otherwise.
save(self, filename, protocol=-1)
Save a pickled serialization of the node to filename. If filename is None, return a string.
set_dtype(self, t)
Set internal structures' dtype.
set_input_dim(self, n)
Set input dimensions.
set_output_dim(self, n)
Set output dimensions.
Static Methods [hide private]
Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise.
Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

    Inherited from Node
List of tuples:
Input dimensions
Output dimensions
Supported dtypes
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, **kwargs)

Locally Linear Embedding

This node has been automatically generated by wrapping the ``sklearn.manifold.locally_linear.LocallyLinearEmbedding`` class
from the ``sklearn`` library.  The wrapped instance can be accessed
through the ``scikits_alg`` attribute.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <locally_linear_embedding>`.


n_neighbors : integer
    number of neighbors to consider for each point.

n_components : integer
    number of coordinates for the manifold

reg : float
    regularization constant, multiplies the trace of the local covariance
    matrix of the distances.

eigen_solver : string, {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'}
    auto : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data

    arpack : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode.
                For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix,
                or general linear operator.
                Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems.  It is
                best to try several random seeds in order to check results.

    dense  : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue
                decomposition.  For this method, M must be an array
                or matrix type.  This method should be avoided for
                large problems.

tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for 'arpack' method
    Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'.

max_iter : integer
    maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver.
    Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'.

method : string ('standard', 'hessian', 'modified' or 'ltsa')
    standard : use the standard locally linear embedding algorithm.  see
               reference [1]
    hessian  : use the Hessian eigenmap method. This method requires
               ``n_neighbors > n_components * (1 + (n_components + 1) / 2``
               see reference [2]
    modified : use the modified locally linear embedding algorithm.
               see reference [3]
    ltsa     : use local tangent space alignment algorithm
               see reference [4]

hessian_tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for Hessian eigenmapping method.
    Only used if ``method == 'hessian'``

modified_tol : float, optional
    Tolerance for modified LLE method.
    Only used if ``method == 'modified'``

neighbors_algorithm : string ['auto'|'brute'|'kd_tree'|'ball_tree']
    algorithm to use for nearest neighbors search,
    passed to neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance

random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional
    The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack
    iterations.  Defaults to numpy.random.


``embedding_vectors_`` : array-like, shape [n_components, n_samples]
    Stores the embedding vectors

``reconstruction_error_`` : float
    Reconstruction error associated with `embedding_vectors_`

``nbrs_`` : NearestNeighbors object
    Stores nearest neighbors instance, including BallTree or KDtree
    if applicable.


.. [1] `Roweis, S. & Saul, L. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
    by locally linear embedding.  Science 290:2323 (2000).`
.. [2] `Donoho, D. & Grimes, C. Hessian eigenmaps: Locally
    linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  100:5591 (2003).`
.. [3] `Zhang, Z. & Wang, J. MLLE: Modified Locally Linear
    Embedding Using Multiple Weights.`
.. [4] `Zhang, Z. & Zha, H. Principal manifolds and nonlinear
    dimensionality reduction via tangent space alignment.
    Journal of Shanghai Univ.  8:406 (2004)`

Overrides: object.__init__

_execute(self, x)

Overrides: Node._execute


Return the list of dtypes supported by this node. The types can be specified in any format allowed by numpy.dtype.
Overrides: Node._get_supported_dtypes

_stop_training(self, **kwargs)

Concatenate the collected data in a single array.
Overrides: Node._stop_training

execute(self, x)


Transform new points into embedding space.

This node has been automatically generated by wrapping the sklearn.manifold.locally_linear.LocallyLinearEmbedding class from the sklearn library. The wrapped instance can be accessed through the scikits_alg attribute.


X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]


X_new : array, shape = [n_samples, n_components]


Because of scaling performed by this method, it is discouraged to use it together with methods that are not scale-invariant (like SVMs)

Overrides: Node.execute

Static Method

Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise.
Overrides: Node.is_invertible
(inherited documentation)

Static Method

Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise.
Overrides: Node.is_trainable

stop_training(self, **kwargs)


Compute the embedding vectors for data X

This node has been automatically generated by wrapping the sklearn.manifold.locally_linear.LocallyLinearEmbedding class from the sklearn library. The wrapped instance can be accessed through the scikits_alg attribute.


X : array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features]
training set.


self : returns an instance of self.

Overrides: Node.stop_training