Deep Belief Network (DBN) based on BiMDP


You can download all the code on this page from the code snippets directory

written by Pietro Berkes and Niko Wilbert

This is only a proof-of-concept, so don’t expect the DBN to actually work! Its current pupose is to experiment with different binet features.

Run this demo to view an HTML inspection of the DBN training. This should help with understanding how the implementation works.

DBN nodes — This is the original non-bimdp DBN node from Pietro, which is the basis for the BiMDP DBN implementation and is required for this example to run.

>>> import mdp
>>> import bimdp
>>> import dbn_binodes

create DBN

>>> n_layers = 2
>>> flow = dbn_binodes.get_DBN_flow(2, hidden_dims=[2,2])

create data

>>> n_samples = 10000  # number of data points
>>> n_greedy_reps = 100  # repetitions in greedy phase
>>> x = mdp.numx.zeros((n_samples, 4))
>>> for i in range(n_samples):
...     r = mdp.numx.rand()
...     if r>0.666:
...         x[i,:] = [0.,1.,0.,1.]
...     elif r>0.333:
...         x[i,:] = [1.,0.,1.,0.]

n_layers iterables plus one iterable for the DBNMasterBiNode

>>> data_iterables = [None] + [[x] * n_greedy_reps] * n_layers + [[x]]
>>> msg_iterables = ([None] +
...                  [[{"epsilon": 0.1, "decay": 0.0,
...                     "momentum": 0.0}] * n_greedy_reps] * n_layers +
...                  [[{"top_updates": 3, "epsilon": 0.1, "decay": 0.0,
...                     "momentum": 0.0,
...                     "max_iter": 2, "min_error": -1.0}]])

perform and visualize the training

>>> bimdp.show_training(flow, data_iterables, msg_iterables, debug=True)   
>>> print "done."

Other files:

DBN nodes
This is the original non-bimdp DBN node from Pietro, which is the basis for the BiMDP DBN implementation.
DBN binodes
The current BiMDP implementation of the DBN, based on the coroutine decorator for easy continuation.
Old DBN coroutine binodes
Older version based on a coroutine, but without using the coderoator. This might still be useful to understand how the codecorator actually works.
Old DBN statemachine binodes
Older version based on a state machine implementation.